
No Winter Hibernation

I guess it was the bottom, the up will follow... After a relative smooth relocation, and eventually settling down for good in Sibiu, it was also the time to begin with everything new.

The EM / ABB websites (that can still be seen on archive.org) were technically deprecated.
What happened: our ISP/Hosting had upgraded and upgraded but our websites / CMSs were not upgraded when it should be. Technically at one point in 2015 the PHP version & other (the server side) changed in a way that the websites could not be updated anymore. In more detail, the index of the articles did not corresponded anymore with the actual content. My guess is that MySQL was also affected.
I have tried different upgrade scenarios (jumping from version to version of Joomla!) but no success and little time (relocating). Our ISP did not help either much, so I took the decision to take all down and start anew. Also with a new ISP/Hosting.

Thus here I am at the end of 2017 with a new beginning: a new host-er, new home, new websites, shop in the making, and hopefully new family member(!)
I am taking now the time to bring it all again on feet.

Projects on the table:
•New Published Music - Fractaled - Insignifinity (the third chapter.)
•Websites Design - EM / AB / ABB / Online Shop
•Digital Shop Update - Bandcamp mainly
•Indexing/Sorting - The growing collection on vinyl / CD as part of the real shop.
•Programming - Automation of shop updates (Excel-CSV-App) + HTML for some templates.
•New Music ABB II/III - Looking forward to continue with the part II of the All Demons Are Horned. A part III is also in plan.
•Developing Story - A story that during 2015 session of All Demons I had mind, now grew a bit.
•New Music Project - Happy that Jochen got in contact in order to make some music together, at 1500 km away, will see how it develops...
•New Mastering Jobs - "Cruel Sound Works" lived, it really helped lately. Glad it did good, even with the technical problems of the mastering PC, now switched. Need upgrade here also.
•New Music - Monoliths, to remake it as a full length. But the artwork needs an update too.
•Other more in "Hinterkopf" now themes.

The winter can come, I am waiting it with a warm cup of tea, patience, music, notebook, to-do lists, pfff...

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